The Celts were a West European group of people who's history goes back to the second century BC. They lived in tribes and roamed the Western Europe. There is a legend that the Celtic cross was designed by Saint Patrick who was trying to convert the pagan Irish people. This cross is a combination of the Christian cross and the sun, which was worshipped by the Celtic druids.The oldest examples of crosses are those engraved or painted on flat pebbles, dating from 10,000 BC, found in a cave in the French Pyrenees. These stones were believed to contain the spirits of the dead.The cross with the characteristic circle is probably the most recognized of all Celtic symbols. The center of the cross is also representative of the center place where all forces of Life, source of the four mystic rivers, summit of the world mountain, and other interpretations of the X that marks the spot. Its meaning can also represent navigation, we can look to the cross as a symbolic compass, guiding us through a spiritual sea.
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