The Hound of Cuchulainn.
Cuchulainn was a horrendous hero in Ireland and a warden of the land. His hunt had the chore to defend the live in and their territory.
The pursue so represents loyalty to goals.
Hounds were sacred to the faeries of Ireland and Scotland and as a result were seized in very high d...Read more
Key patterns are called for their key-shaped paths, and are based on spirals. In fact, key patterns ...Read more
From the Egyptians to Romans, and from Romans to Celts came the transference of the symbolism of cat...Read more
Celtic art had three capital functions: decoration, religious symbolism, and depictions of stories. ...Read more
The single spiral is one of the largely common symols of the Celtic culture. The spiral was in real...Read more
The Triskelion, was a prominent Celtic indication so as to represented the the perception of complet...Read more